Relocation - Raleigh, North Carolina

46. Npr Affiliate

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

47. Pop

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

48. R&B

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

49. Rock

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

50. Soft Rock

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

51. Spanish

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

52. Sports

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

53. Volunteer-Operated Talk And Music

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

54. Triangle Area Network Affiliates

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Relocation

Description: The Triangle’s only 24-hour news station is News 14 Carolina, owned by Time Warner Cable. The company provides cable television service to the Triangle and much of eastern North Carolina.
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