Oregon College Of Art And Craft - Education - Portland, Oregon

City: Portland, OR
Category: Education
Telephone: (503) 297-5544
Address: 8245 Southwest Barnes Rd.

Description: Oregon College of Art and Craft was born in 1907 during an international movement to preserve and revive the arts and crafts that humans had practiced for a thousand years. Since then the Oregon College of Art and Craft has been training students in fiber art, metalworking, ceramics, and the production of many other useful and beautiful objects. Their book arts program is renowned the world over. The college, which rests on the grounds of an old filbert orchard, grants a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree; the training for that includes liberal arts, professional practices, and writing. The college also grants certificates in individual specialties. And there are numerous courses and programs available for those who want to simply take a pottery course or learn how to bind books. (See The Arts chapter for more information.)