Vindalho - Restaurants - Portland, Oregon

City: Portland, OR
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (503) 467-4550
Address: 2038 Southeast Clinton St.

Description: Serving exquisite food in the Indian tradition, Vindalho is unlike any other restaurant between Vancouver, British Columbia, and perhaps San Francisco. What Nuestra Cocina is to Mexican food, Vindalho is to Indian food: It displays a proper respect for the flavors and textures while at the same time taking advantage of the amazing basic ingredients the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Vindalho offers many traditional foods—aromatic naan bread, for instance, or lamb kofta (savory meatballs in a Pakistani curry sauce). You will also find beautiful and flavorful salads. For dinner, you may want to sample the curry, the pork, or any of the various preparations of chicken—including tandoori. The lamb is outstanding—grilled perfectly in the tandoori oven, it is succulent and juicy and nevertheless carries that beautiful smoky scent that is the hallmark of meat grilled outdoors. Whatever else you order, be sure to order the condiments—the sides of relishes and pickles that will bring your dishes together into a meal. Vindhalho is open Tues through Sun, 5 to 9 p.m; serving dinner until 10 p.m. on Fri and Sat evenings.
