Chamber Relocation - Relocation - Richmond, Virginia

City: Richmond, VA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (804) 564-7823
Address: 3212 Skipwith Rd., Suite 110

Description: Ollie Chambers runs this five-to-eight-person relocation business out of a larger 40-person US Realty office. Her relocation services are designed to build relationships so the agents can understand how best to help the client’s situation. Agents will work with trailing spouses and educate clients about the school options if the client has school-age children. In one case, when a family’s son wasn’t happy about moving and Ollie heard he played the guitar, she gave him a gift certificate to Guitar Works. The company has developed a niche helping seniors relocate. They break down the overwhelming process into smaller pieces, doing as much for the customers as anyone could want, including decluttering. With a diverse staff, some of whom are bilingual in French, Italian, and Spanish, you’ll get a great sense of how to make the area your home after you’ve spoken with them.