Chester - Relocation - Richmond, Virginia

City: Richmond, VA
Category: Relocation
Address: 12100 Branders Creek Rd

Description: Some of Richmond’s religious institutions have been here for hundreds of years, others just a decade or less. With more than 1,000 religious organizations and places of worship, there is more diversity in the region than ever before. We are, after all, where Jefferson penned the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. Those new to the community looking to connect with a synagogue might contact the Weinstein Jewish Community Center (, 804-285-6500) for assistance in finding the right fit. Buddhists of all stripes might be interested in the multidenominational Ekoji Buddhist Sangha (, 804-355-6657). The expanding Hindu Center of Virginia can be reached at (804) 346-9954 or The Islamic Center of Virginia (, 804-320-7333) lists all of the regional mosques for Muslim newcomers. Some folks might be interested in the ecumenical fellowship of Richmond Hill (, 804-783-7903) on, poetically enough, Church Hill. There are far too many Christian denominations around town to list, but you will find hundreds of churches and other houses of worship in the yellow pages.
