First Night Of Williamsburg - Annual Events & Festivals - Williamsburg, Virginia

City: Williamsburg, VA
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (757) 258-5153

Description: This alcohol-free New Year’s Eve celebration of the performing arts, introduced in 1993, is an event for the entire family. The First Night concept originated in Boston in 1976 and has since spread to more than 170 cities throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia. The local celebration is held from 6 p.m. to midnight in downtown Williamsburg, on the campus of the College of William and Mary, and in locations bordering the Historic Area. More than 450 artists perform, including actors, dancers, singers, musicians, jugglers, puppeteers, storytellers, and clowns. The evening’s grand finale is a spectacular fireworks display. While guests can easily reach the First Night grounds on foot, complimentary buses also travel a circuit around the area and connect to ample satellite parking. The celebration typically attracts 50 acts and a crowd of about 7,000. Food and beverages are available from churches, businesses, and civic groups located along the site. The fete is open to anyone, but all except the youngest participants (age 5 and under) must wear commemorative buttons, which cost $12 in advance and $15 on December 31.
