Williamsburg’S Grand Illumination - Annual Events & Festivals - Williamsburg, Virginia

City: Williamsburg, VA
Category: Annual Events & Festivals

Description: On the first Sunday in December, Colonial Williamsburg kicks off the Christmas season by lighting candles in hundreds of windows in Historic Area buildings. Cressets and bonfires also illuminate the evening. Locals come in droves, usually about 30,000 people attend, and visitors love this splendid and energetic Yuletide event, which includes performances by the Junior and Senior Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums; the firing of cannons on the town green; dancing, caroling, and carousing at four stages scattered throughout the restored area; and fireworks displays at three locations—the Governor’s Palace, the Capitol, and the Magazine. Candlelight tours are held and 18th-century plays and concerts are performed; tickets are required for some events. Outdoor activities start at noon and are free to the public. Arrive early to avoid parking hassles and bring a flashlight. When it comes to holiday programs, the Grand Illumination is the star atop the tree, so to speak.