Sacramento, CA vs Elk Grove, CA - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

Sacramento, CA vs Elk Grove, CA

Sacramento and Elk Grove are two cities in California with their own unique qualities. Sacramento, as the state capital, offers diverse cultural experiences, an established infrastructure, and multiple industries, but may have higher costs of living and crime rates. On the other hand, Elk Grove, though smaller, offers a safer, suburban atmosphere, with a family-focused community, excellent education offerings, and a relatively lower cost of living.
Distance between Sacramento, CA and Elk Grove, CA : 9.4 miles

Sacramento's population is larger by 193%. Its population has grown by 118,023 people (29.0%) since 2000. The population of Elk Grove has grown by 119,013 people (198.4%) during that time.

Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Population 525,041 178,997
Female / male percentage 51% / 49%
50.7% / 49.3%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity SacramentoElk Grove
White Non-Hispanic 30.4% 31.1%
Hispanic 29.3% 17.8%
Asian 19.3% 30.0%
Black 10.7% 11.9%
Two or more 6.9% 8.4%
Pacific Islander 2.3% 0.5%
American Indian 0.3% 0.0%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity SacramentoElk Grove
White Non-Hispanic 159,749 55,670
Hispanic 154,025 31,843
Asian 101,436 53,759
Black 55,966 21,339
Two or more 36,284 15,010
Pacific Islander 11,875 935
American Indian 1,329 41

Crime and Safety

Sacramento has a higher crime rate than the national average, with property crime being more prevalent than violent crime. However, it's worth noting that like most cities, crime rates vary by neighborhood. In contrast, Elk Grove has one of the lowest crime rates in the region, making it a safer option for families and tourists, especially for those who prioritize safety.

Crime by year per 100,000 residents
Type crime indexRobberies per 100,000Murders per 100,000Rapes per 100,000Assaults per 100,000Burglaries per 100,000Theft per 100,000Auto theft per 100,000Arson per 100,000
Year SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
2020 328.2 130.9 169.3 51.9 8.1 0.6 24.1 28.2 481.8 143.8 546.0 181.6 1,715.2 1,067.5 483.8 93.0 50.1 4.5
2019 338.3 129.6 202.2 65.0 6.6 0.0 24.7 19.9 393.6 127.1 582.4 166.4 2,071.1 1,200.6 528.7 114.0 34.8 5.7
2018 337.6 131.1 207.5 53.2 7.1 0.6 20.1 22.9 421.9 160.3 542.6 183.8 1,929.4 1,064.4 568.6 102.5 28.8 5.7
2017 339.6 150.6 220.0 57.4 7.8 1.7 19.8 22.6 428.0 242.7 577.6 212.0 1,815.4 966.3 543.6 122.2 41.8 3.5
2016 356.5 154.7 229.3 55.4 8.3 0.0 17.8 30.0 461.0 236.8 619.6 219.7 1,895.0 1,036.9 570.0 123.1 34.9 2.9
2015 381.5 181.3 239.7 63.2 8.8 0.6 21.4 19.9 467.4 269.0 758.2 354.4 2,014.4 1,380.4 596.9 142.6 28.6 2.4
2014 328.7 190.0 207.1 76.1 5.8 1.2 16.2 19.6 385.7 284.7 670.7 384.2 1,956.0 1,372.8 496.5 128.3 35.0 3.1
2013 378.9 155.2 242.2 61.5 7.1 0.0 19.9 3.7 386.9 226.2 812.7 338.0 2,349.1 1,385.1 598.3 118.1 34.3 6.8
2012 425.6 183.0 254.1 60.8 7.1 0.6 26.2 12.8 451.2 253.3 938.8 431.1 2,548.9 1,538.9 702.1 135.6 27.3 16.6
2011 409.4 190.1 246.2 63.3 7.6 1.9 28.4 11.6 428.4 261.0 877.4 428.9 2,349.1 1,474.0 706.6 209.3 30.9 9.0
2010 482.0 189.6 319.6 70.6 7.1 1.3 35.4 9.1 519.4 264.7 1,077.6 426.8 2,396.4 1,443.0 856.2 224.2 43.3 9.8
2009 492.2 237.4 341.5 108.1 6.4 2.8 38.1 10.7 499.7 310.9 1,091.8 611.1 2,492.0 1,530.8 881.6 307.3 35.7 7.8
2008 546.0 246.9 377.0 106.9 10.5 0.0 36.0 15.8 574.2 350.8 1,116.8 632.7 2,649.1 1,692.3 1,051.2 250.4 45.0 8.6
2007 608.8 240.0 436.2 111.5 9.6 1.4 42.1 16.7 625.6 236.1 1,177.3 688.6 2,801.9 1,582.9 1,318.7 395.4 61.0 4.3
2006 665.9 135.6 475.1 57.3 12.4 0.9 42.6 14.1 676.4 101.5 1,340.8 351.1 2,771.0 1,007.5 1,557.9 252.3 63.8 7.1
2005 549.8 0.0 441.2 0.0 11.4 0.0 37.2 0.0 661.4 0.0 1,277.1 0.0 2,912.4 0.0 1,513.5 0.0 77.0 0.0
2004 553.5 0.0 424.9 0.0 11.1 0.0 43.3 0.0 570.7 0.0 1,190.3 0.0 3,430.8 0.0 1,618.3 0.0 86.4 0.0
2003 509.8 0.0 370.6 0.0 9.8 0.0 42.5 0.0 354.7 0.0 1,274.6 0.0 3,495.6 0.0 1,656.6 0.0 91.2 0.0 crime index counts serious crimes and violent crime more heavily. It adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities. (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 301.1)

Crime per year
Type crime indexRobberiesMurdersRapesAssaultsBurglariesTheftAuto theftArson
Year SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
2019 338.3 129.6 1,039 114 34 0 127 35 2,023 223 2,993 292 10,644 2,107 2,717 200 179 10
2018 337.6 131.1 1,052 93 36 1 102 40 2,139 280 2,751 321 9,783 1,859 2,883 179 146 10
2017 339.6 150.6 1,100 99 39 3 99 39 2,140 419 2,888 366 9,077 1,668 2,718 211 209 6
2016 356.5 154.7 1,136 94 41 0 88 51 2,284 402 3,070 373 9,389 1,760 2,824 209 173 5
2015 381.5 181.3 1,174 105 43 1 105 33 2,289 447 3,713 589 9,865 2,294 2,923 237 140 4
2014 328.7 190.0 1,000 124 28 2 78 32 1,862 464 3,238 626 9,443 2,237 2,397 209 169 5
2013 378.9 155.2 1,158 99 34 0 95 6 1,850 364 3,886 544 11,233 2,229 2,861 190 164 11
2012 425.6 183.0 1,211 95 34 1 125 20 2,150 396 4,474 674 12,147 2,406 3,346 212 130 26
2011 409.4 190.1 1,162 98 36 3 134 18 2,022 404 4,141 664 11,087 2,282 3,335 324 146 14
2010 482.0 189.6 1,491 108 33 2 165 14 2,423 405 5,027 653 11,179 2,208 3,994 343 202 15
2009 492.2 237.4 1,606 152 30 4 179 15 2,350 437 5,135 859 11,720 2,152 4,146 432 168 11
2008 546.0 246.9 1,761 149 49 0 168 22 2,682 489 5,216 882 12,373 2,359 4,910 349 210 12
2007 608.8 240.0 2,009 154 44 2 194 23 2,881 326 5,422 951 12,904 2,186 6,073 546 281 6
2006 665.9 135.6 2,188 65 57 1 196 16 3,115 115 6,175 398 12,762 1,142 7,175 286 294 8
2005 549.8 0.0 2,018 0 52 0 170 0 3,025 0 5,841 0 13,320 0 6,922 0 352 0
2004 553.5 0.0 1,914 0 50 0 195 0 2,571 0 5,362 0 15,455 0 7,290 0 389 0
2003 509.8 0.0 1,630 0 43 0 187 0 1,560 0 5,606 0 15,374 0 7,286 0 401 0 crime index counts serious crimes and violent crime more heavily. It adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities. (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 301.1)

Sex Offenders

According to our data, there are 2,237 registered sex offenders living in Sacramento and 154 registered sex offenders living in .
The ratio of residents to sex offenders in Sacramento is 221 to 1; the ratio in Elk Grove is 1,102 to 1.
The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents is much larger in Sacramento than that in Elk Grove.

Cost of Living

The overall cost of living in Sacramento is higher than in Elk Grove, particularly in terms of housing. However, living expenses such as groceries and healthcare are competitive in both cities. For those looking for affordability, Elk Grove might be a better choice due to its lower housing costs.

Income Tax

Both Sacramento and Elk Grove fall under California’s state income tax jurisdiction, which ranges from 1% to 13.3% depending on income level. There are no city-specific income taxes in these areas.

Property Tax

Property taxes in Sacramento are slightly higher than those in Elk Grove. However, the rates in both cities are still competitive compared to the average rate in California.

Sales Tax

The sales tax in both cities is identical as it's determined by the state. California has a base state sales tax rate of 7.25%, with local districts able to impose additional taxes.
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Estimated median household income $75,311 $109,242
Estimated per capita income $37,916 $38,695
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 102.9 102.7

If you make $50,000 in Elk Grove, you will have to make $50,097 in Sacramento to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

Sacramento is located in the Sacramento Valley near the Sacramento River and is relatively flat. Elk Grove, to the south, is also primarily flat with slightly more open, green spaces due to its suburban development.
Geographical information
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Land area 97.2 sq. miles 15.2 sq. miles
Population density 5,404 people per sq. mile 11,778 people per sq. mile
Elevation 20 feet 51 feet
Relative area comparison
Sacramento, CA Elk Grove, CA
First ancestry reported - percentage
Ancestry SacramentoElk Grove
German 2.4% 2.7%
Irish 2.0% 1.7%
English 1.9% 2.1%
Italian 1.6% 1.9%
Russian 0.7% 0.9%
Ukrainian 0.6% 0.1%
Polish 0.5% 0.3%
Norwegian 0.4% 0.6%
Portuguese 0.4% 1.3%
Scottish 0.4% 0.4%
French 0.3% 0.1%
Scotch-Irish 0.3% 0.2%
Greek 0.2% 0.3%
Swedish 0.2% 0.2%
Arab 0.1% 0.3%
Swiss 0.0% 0.6%
Population origin - absolute values
Ancestry SacramentoElk Grove
German 6,833 2,622
Irish 5,802 1,702
English 5,407 2,073
Italian 4,509 1,896
Russian 2,160 837
Ukrainian 1,614 96
Polish 1,423 334
Portuguese 1,192 1,219
Norwegian 1,087 547
Scottish 1,082 408
French 792 94
Scotch-Irish 726 199
Swedish 594 211
Greek 545 255
Danish 390 117
French Canadian 369 44
Dutch 327 186
Arab 305 266
Hungarian 231 36
Lithuanian 193 56
Foreign born residents - absolute values
Type Count
Region SacramentoElk Grove
All 111,676 44,945
Africa 2,779 1,991
Asia 54,200 31,169
Europe 7,419 1,902
Latin America 36,841 6,597
North America 947 324
Oceania 7,440 2,136
Foreign born residents - percentage
Type Percentage
Region SacramentoElk Grove
All 21.3% 25.3%
Africa 0.5% 1.1%
Asia 10.3% 17.6%
Europe 1.4% 1.1%
Latin America 7.0% 3.7%
North America 0.2% 0.2%
Oceania 1.4% 1.2%


Both cities offer quality education. Sacramento boasts several renowned universities and a vast public school system, but it has larger classrooms due to its population. Elk Grove, on the other hand, has smaller class sizes, which can lead to more individualized attention for students in its well-rated schools.
School enrollment
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Nursery, preschool 3,947 (3.2%) 3,241 (5.8%)
Kindergarten 5,715 (4.6%) 2,145 (3.8%)
Grade 1 to 4 20,678 (16.7%) 12,498 (22.3%)
Grade 5 to 8 22,257 (17.9%) 12,819 (22.9%)
Grade 9 to 12 28,721 (23.2%) 12,457 (22.3%)
College undergrad 31,957 (25.8%) 10,015 (17.9%)
Graduate or professional 10,761 (8.7%) 2,809 (5%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade SacramentoElk Grove
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 4,027 2,259
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 3,147 935
Undergraduate colleges 1,807 796
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade SacramentoElk Grove
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 9.4% 8.9%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 11.0% 7.5%
Undergraduate colleges 5.7% 7.9%
Educational attainment
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Less than high school 13.8% 9.9%
High school or equiv. 19.9% 19.5%
Less than 1 year of college 5.9% 8.7%
1 or more years of college 15.4% 14.8%
Associate degree 8.2% 9.2%
Bachelor's degree 22.7% 26.2%
Master's degree 9% 8.2%
Profess. school degree 3.4% 2%
Doctorate degree 1.8% 1.5%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Bachelor's degree or higher 36.9% 37.9%
Graduate or professional degree 14.2% 11.7%
High school or higher 86.2% 90.1%

Work and Economy

Sacramento's economy is diverse, with industries spanning government, healthcare, education, and tech. Whereas Elk Grove's economy leans towards healthcare, retail, and education. Job growth is steady in both cities, but Sacramento's larger economy may offer more diverse job opportunities.

Biggest Employers

The State of California, UC Davis Health System, and Sutter Health are among the biggest employers in Sacramento, while in Elk Grove, top employers include the Elk Grove Unified School District, Kaiser Permanente, and Apple.
Employment and residency - absolute values
Kind SacramentoElk Grove
Work and live in this city 100,101 4,046
Work and live in this county 211,462 67,559
Workers who work outside the city they live in 306,917 55,938
Workers who work outside the county they live in 36,296 10,928
Working at home 59,241 20,831
Not working at home 188,517 57,656
Daytime population change due to commuting 100,933 N/A
Employment and residency - percentage
Kind SacramentoElk Grove
Work and live in this city 60.1% 14.3%
Work and live in this county 85.4% 86.1%
Workers who work outside the city they live in 39.9% 85.7%
Workers who work outside the county they live in 14.7% 13.9%
Working at home 23.9% 26.5%
Not working at home 76.1% 73.5%
Daytime population change due to commuting 24.8% N/A
Geographical mobility: all
Type all
Mobility SacramentoElk Grove
Same house 1 year ago 86.1% 90.7%
Moved from abroad 0.3% 0.3%
Moved within same county 8.3% 5.5%
Moved from different state 1.0% 0.6%
Moved within same state 4.3% 3.0%
Geographical mobility: Asian
Type Asian
Mobility SacramentoElk Grove
Same house 1 year ago 91.3% 93.8%
Moved from abroad 0.7% 0.4%
Moved within same county 4.0% 3.1%
Moved from different state 0.6% 0.5%
Moved within same state 3.4% 2.2%
Geographical mobility: Black
Type Black
Mobility SacramentoElk Grove
Same house 1 year ago 84.0% 91.4%
Moved from abroad 0% 0.2%
Moved within same county 11.7% 7.2%
Moved from different state 0.8% 1.2%
Moved within same state 3.5% 1.2%
Geographical mobility: White
Type White
Mobility SacramentoElk Grove
Same house 1 year ago 86.8% 90.1%
Moved from abroad 0.1% 0.0%
Moved within same county 7.1% 4.8%
Moved from different state 1.5% 0.2%
Moved within same state 4.5% 4.8%
Building permits
Type Average valueCount
City SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
1997 $102,200 $0 258 0
1998 $126,300 $0 350 0
1999 $138,300 $0 922 0
2000 $143,300 $0 1,954 0
2001 $147,800 $0 2,739 0
2002 $148,500 $212,700 3,242 804
2003 $134,000 $239,000 3,603 3,716
2004 $149,000 $247,600 3,155 4,049
2005 $125,200 $222,600 1,856 2,603
2006 $120,600 $243,800 1,785 614
2007 $172,000 $194,900 1,337 693
2008 $185,300 $226,400 934 257
2009 $166,900 $216,000 199 201
2010 $169,400 $203,900 95 296
2011 $181,500 $236,700 61 252
2012 $173,100 $187,900 142 368
2013 $200,100 $340,300 232 387
2014 $224,000 $220,700 256 571
2015 $237,900 $204,300 438 665
2016 $236,300 $192,000 1,017 455
2017 $246,100 $187,200 1,728 402
2018 $233,300 $210,600 1,610 693
2019 $268,800 $207,600 1,538 764
2020 $277,800 $206,700 935 760
2021 $275,400 $227,900 1,004 563

There were 1,004 building permits issued in Sacramento in 2012 (943 more than in 2011) compared to 563 building permits issued in Elk Grove in 2012 (311 more than in 2011).


Both Sacramento and Elk Grove share a similar Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. However, Sacramento tends to be slightly hotter in the summer due to its urban layout, while Elk Grove, with its suburban environment and more open spaces, might have slightly cooler temperatures.
Weather and climate
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Temperature - Average 62.2°F 62.1°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 66.8% 66.7%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 58% 58%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 87% 87%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 29% 29%
Precipitation - Yearly average 19 in 19.1 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 0 in 0 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 31.5% 31.5%
Sunshine amount - Average 83.6% 83.6%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 52% 52%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 97% 97%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 45% 45%
Wind speed - Average 6.8 mph 6.8 mph

Average climate in Sacramento, California

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Elk Grove, California

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
2018 121 121 0.32 0.33 9.7 6.1 24.7 25.8 0.002 0.002 28.9 27.6 12.7 12.7 N/A N/A
2017 117 117 0.33 0.31 9.0 6.2 25.2 26.0 0.002 0.002 22.1 21.3 8.8 9.7 N/A N/A
2016 103 101 0.44 0.40 8.0 6.3 25.3 25.2 0.002 0.002 14.0 15.6 9.0 8.5 N/A N/A
2015 105 103 0.25 0.28 9.7 7.4 24.9 25.1 0.002 0.002 16.2 18.4 10.9 10.5 N/A N/A
2014 99 99 0.24 0.27 10.2 7.7 24.9 25.5 0.002 0.002 15.6 17.7 9.6 8.7 N/A N/A
2013 102 102 0.29 0.31 11.1 8.9 23.2 24.3 0.002 0.002 21.3 22.0 11.9 10.5 N/A N/A
2012 107 107 0.31 0.30 10.5 8.5 25.2 26.5 0.002 0.002 15.2 15.4 7.9 8.5 N/A N/A
2011 106 106 0.29 0.31 11.2 9.2 24.0 25.0 0.002 0.002 17.7 18.5 10.8 11.3 N/A N/A
2010 109 109 0.29 0.29 11.2 8.8 22.8 23.5 N/A N/A 16.9 16.5 9.3 8.9 0.5 0.5
2009 118 118 0.40 0.40 12.4 10.0 23.3 24.8 0.003 0.003 20.6 19.5 11.4 10.9 0.5 0.5
2008 130 130 0.40 0.40 14.9 11.2 25.4 26.4 N/A N/A 24.3 23.5 13.6 13.2 0.5 0.5
2007 129 129 0.39 0.41 14.8 11.7 23.7 25.0 0.005 0.005 19.9 19.7 13.5 12.5 0.6 0.6
2006 124 124 0.49 0.46 15.4 12.5 22.7 26.1 N/A N/A 23.7 23.3 13.0 12.3 0.5 0.5
2005 125 125 0.42 0.43 15.9 12.0 20.0 23.2 N/A N/A 22.1 21.0 13.5 13.1 0.6 0.6
2004 119 119 0.49 0.44 15.8 12.3 19.1 22.8 N/A N/A 22.7 22.4 13.3 12.8 0.6 0.6
2003 119 119 0.47 0.47 16.8 13.4 20.3 25.2 N/A N/A 23.1 21.2 N/A N/A 0.9 0.9
2002 114 113 0.50 0.49 18.1 14.8 21.2 25.2 0.004 0.004 25.1 24.0 N/A N/A 1.5 1.5
2001 111 110 0.43 0.45 18.0 13.9 21.2 24.0 0.004 0.004 20.7 21.8 N/A N/A 1.4 1.4
2000 107 107 0.55 0.48 17.9 14.3 19.5 21.4 0.004 0.004 19.1 19.9 N/A N/A 1.4 1.4
Natural disasters
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 8.8% 8.8%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 7,798.9% 7,869.8%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 18% 18%


Sacramento has a comprehensive public transportation system with light rail and bus services, vital for both locals and tourists. Elk Grove has fewer public transit options, but roadways are well-maintained for commuting by car.
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Amtrak stations 1 0
Amtrak stations nearby 3 2
FAA registered aircraft 414 83
FAA registered aircraft manufacturers and dealers 20 1
Means of transportation to work
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Bicycle 1.1% 0.2%
Bus 1% 1.4%
Carpooled 12% 14.9%
Car alone 80% 81.9%
Motorcycle 0.2% 0.1%
Railroad 0.4% 0%
Taxicab 0.1% 0%
Walked 2.8% 1.3%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Average 28.5 min 25.1 min
Other means 22.8 min 27.6 min
Public transportation 39 min 43 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Private vehicle occupancy
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Average 1.2 1.2
Drove alone 88.5% 87.9%
In 2 person carpool 9.4% 8.6%
In 3 person carpool 1.2% 2%
In 4 person carpool 0.4% 0.5%
In 5-6 person carpool 0.5% 0.9%

How many people usually rode to work in the car, truck or van.

Real Estate

Home prices in Sacramento are generally higher than those in Elk Grove, which can make Elk Grove more attractive for families or first-time homeowners. Rental prices are also generally cheaper in Elk Grove compared to Sacramento.


Sacramento is known for its diverse neighborhoods like hip Midtown, family-friendly East Sacramento, or upscale Arden. Elk Grove, being smaller, has a more homogenous community but offers family-friendly neighborhoods making it perfect for raising children.
Houses and residents
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Houses 210,715 54,385
Average household size (people) 2.6 3.2
Median year apartment built 1977 2001
Median year house/condo built 1978 2000
Length of stay in the house since moving in 12.8 years 11.7 years
Houses occupied 202,093 (95.9%) 53,724 (98.8%)
Houses occupied by owners 103,994 (51.5%) 39,576 (73.7%)
Houses occupied by renters 98,099 (48.5%) 14,148 (26.3%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $976.09 $901.65
Median monthly housing costs $1,558 $2,029
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $398,191 $504,618
Estimated median house or condo value $449,600 $569,900
Median numbers of rooms 5 6.4
Median number of rooms in apartments 4.1 5.4
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 5.8 6.8
Median house price - detached houses $496,462 $395,849
Median house price - in 3-to-4-unit structures $205,310 $322,665
Median house price - in 5 or more unit structures $382,635 $206,522
Median house price - mobile homes $104,325 $82,321
Median house price - Townhouses or other attached units $463,571 $295,005
Median house price - All housing units $481,210 $390,398
Median house age 44 21
Renting percentage 50.6% 25.4%
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 2,168.8 3,578.6
House value disparities 25.5% 18.1%
Household income disparities 44% 36.1%
Median household income for houses/condes with a mortgage $109,432 $133,659
Median household income for apartments without a mortgage $82,443 $101,781
Housing units without a mortgage 1,166 (1.6%) 267 (0.9%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 4,385 (6.1%) 1,753 (5.8%)
Housing units with a mortgage 70,415 (98.4%) 29,785 (99.1%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 204 (0.3%) 0 (0%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 5,362 (7.5%) 1,923 (6.4%)
House/condo owner moved in on average (years ago) 10 10
House/condo renter moved in on average (years ago) 3 4
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 1.2% 1.4%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures SacramentoElk Grove
One, detached 61.7% 87.9%
One, attached 6.8% 2.3%
Two 1.8% 0.1%
3 or 4 4.8% 0.6%
5 to 9 6.9% 2.1%
10 to 19 4.9% 1.2%
20 to 49 3.5% 0.5%
50 or more 7.6% 4.8%
Mobile homes 1.9% 0.5%
Boats, RVs, vans, etc. 0.0% 0.1%
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
With mortgages $3,776 (0.8%) $4,705 (0.8%)
With no mortgages $2,646 (0.6%) $3,999 (0.7%)
Marital status
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Divorced 10% 6.4%
Never married 41.1% 30.1%
Now married 42.5% 58.7%
Separated 2.2% 0.5%
Widowed 4.2% 4.3%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers SacramentoElk Grove
Employee of private company 57.1% 52.0%
State government workers 16.0% 16.1%
Local government workers 8.5% 12.1%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 8.1% 9.8%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 5.1% 5.6%
Federal government workers 2.5% 1.3%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 2.4% 3.0%
Unpaid family workers 0.3% 0.1%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers SacramentoElk Grove
Employee of private company 143,927 42,120
Federal government workers 6,340 1,083
Local government workers 21,346 9,834
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 20,416 7,952
Self-employed in own incorporated business 6,140 2,391
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 12,891 4,526
State government workers 40,274 13,021
Unpaid family workers 755 71

Industries and Occupations

Both cities boast a mix of industries. Sacramento is a hub for government jobs, education, healthcare, and technology. Elk Grove tends to lean towards healthcare and education jobs while retail also makes up a large proportion of occupations.
Most common male industries
Industry SacramentoElk Grove
Construction 12.7% 6.8%
Public administration 11.0% 16.4%
Retail trade 9.6% 10.7%
Professional, scientific, and technical services 8.1% 8.4%
Manufacturing 7.7% 9.7%
Transportation and warehousing 7.1% 6.8%
Educational services 7.0% 5.7%
Accommodation and food services 6.9% 6.1%
Health care and social assistance 6.8% 6.0%
Administrative and support and waste management services 5.4% 5.8%
Other services, except public administration 3.5% 3.2%
Arts, entertainment, and recreation 2.8% 1.1%
Finance and insurance 2.5% 4.6%
Information 2.4% 1.0%
Wholesale trade 2.2% 3.2%
Real estate and rental and leasing 1.8% 1.4%
Utilities 1.5% 2.2%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 0.9% 0.7%
Most common female industries
Industry SacramentoElk Grove
Health care and social assistance 19.2% 19.8%
Public administration 15.2% 13.8%
Educational services 12.0% 17.9%
Retail trade 8.9% 10.8%
Professional, scientific, and technical services 8.1% 4.9%
Accommodation and food services 7.4% 7.7%
Other services, except public administration 5.3% 5.1%
Finance and insurance 4.8% 5.2%
Manufacturing 4.1% 3.3%
Transportation and warehousing 3.6% 1.5%
Administrative and support and waste management services 3.0% 1.5%
Arts, entertainment, and recreation 2.4% 0.8%
Wholesale trade 1.5% 2.1%
Real estate and rental and leasing 1.2% 1.6%
Construction 1.2% 0.7%
Information 1.0% 1.5%
Utilities 0.7% 1.6%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 0.5% 0.2%
Management of companies and enterprises 0.1% 0.0%
Most common male occupations
Occupation SacramentoElk Grove
Management occupations 10.1% 10.7%
Construction and extraction occupations 9.9% 3.4%
Office and administrative support occupations 9.7% 8.2%
Sales and related occupations 8.0% 8.7%
Business and financial operations occupations 6.6% 6.5%
Computer and mathematical occupations 5.3% 9.1%
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations 5.1% 2.2%
Food preparation and serving related occupations 5.1% 5.4%
Material moving occupations 4.9% 4.5%
Production occupations 4.8% 6.6%
Transportation occupations 4.5% 7.6%
Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 3.5% 3.7%
Architecture and engineering occupations 3.1% 6.4%
Educational instruction, and library occupations 2.9% 3.6%
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations 2.4% 2.5%
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations 2.2% 1.4%
Legal occupations 2.1% 1.0%
Life, physical, and social science occupations 1.8% 1.3%
Health technologists and technicians 1.5% 0.8%
Community and social service occupations 1.3% 1.3%
Most common female occupations
Occupation SacramentoElk Grove
Office and administrative support occupations 18.0% 14.1%
Management occupations 9.6% 13.2%
Business and financial operations occupations 9.0% 8.7%
Sales and related occupations 7.6% 10.4%
Educational instruction, and library occupations 7.1% 10.5%
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations 5.8% 7.2%
Healthcare support occupations 5.6% 7.1%
Food preparation and serving related occupations 5.3% 6.0%
Community and social service occupations 3.6% 2.5%
Personal care and service occupations 3.5% 3.2%
Computer and mathematical occupations 3.4% 3.3%
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations 2.9% 0.7%
Life, physical, and social science occupations 2.7% 2.5%
Production occupations 2.6% 1.6%
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations 2.6% 0.3%
Legal occupations 2.6% 1.0%
Material moving occupations 2.1% 3.0%
Health technologists and technicians 1.8% 1.6%
Transportation occupations 1.4% 1.1%
Architecture and engineering occupations 0.9% 1.1%

Health Care

Both cities have access to high-quality healthcare facilities. Sacramento is home to several major hospitals while Elk Grove residents often use facilities in nearby Sacramento. The major healthcare players in the region include Sutter Health, Kaiser Permanente, and UC Davis Health.

Fatal vehicle accidents per 100,000 residents
Type Total count per 100,000Drunk per 100,000Fatal count per 100,000Pedestrian count per 100,000Person count per 100,000Vehicle count per 100,000
Year SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
2021 13.3 3.4 0.0 0.0 14.1 3.9 6.1 1.7 27.8 6.7 21.9 4.5
2020 9.6 3.4 2.3 1.1 9.7 3.4 5.3 1.7 18.3 10.1 15.5 3.9
2019 9.6 4.6 1.8 0.6 11.0 5.1 4.5 1.7 19.6 8.6 13.7 6.8
2018 10.9 5.8 3.0 2.3 10.9 6.9 6.7 2.3 18.4 12.7 15.7 10.4
2017 13.2 4.1 3.6 0.6 15.2 4.1 5.6 2.3 24.7 13.4 19.3 8.7
2016 10.6 4.7 2.8 1.2 11.0 5.3 5.1 0.0 23.8 20.7 17.9 14.2
2015 10.5 3.0 4.5 1.2 11.3 3.0 3.7 0.0 24.9 6.6 16.6 4.2
2014 8.9 3.7 1.9 0.6 9.3 3.7 3.7 1.2 20.0 7.9 13.2 5.5
2013 9.4 4.3 3.1 0.6 9.8 5.6 3.8 2.5 19.6 9.9 13.3 5.6
2012 5.5 4.4 0.6 2.5 5.9 5.0 1.9 1.3 12.6 8.8 8.6 6.9
2011 8.7 9.0 1.9 2.6 8.7 9.0 3.6 1.9 23.7 24.5 14.4 12.3
2010 10.7 6.5 4.1 2.0 11.4 7.2 5.6 2.0 23.4 12.4 14.8 8.5
2009 6.0 5.9 2.1 2.2 6.9 5.9 2.1 0.0 18.4 11.1 10.7 8.1
2008 6.5 3.8 2.8 0.8 6.9 3.8 2.4 1.5 17.6 12.9 8.9 6.0
2007 10.1 6.2 4.4 0.0 11.8 6.9 2.9 2.3 26.3 15.4 15.8 6.9
2006 7.1 6.2 3.8 0.8 7.3 6.2 2.7 0.8 19.3 25.0 10.5 10.9
2005 11.4 5.6 4.2 1.6 11.4 5.6 4.5 0.8 29.9 15.3 16.5 7.2
2004 10.5 5.2 6.1 0.9 11.0 5.2 3.8 0.9 30.9 14.8 14.6 7.0
2003 11.6 4.1 4.3 3.1 13.2 4.1 4.8 1.0 33.2 13.3 17.3 7.1
2002 12.0 2.3 5.1 1.1 12.2 2.3 5.1 0.0 30.0 4.6 16.6 3.4
2001 9.5 7.1 2.9 1.2 10.0 11.8 3.8 1.2 32.5 23.6 17.1 11.8
2000 9.3 1.7 4.2 1.7 9.8 1.7 2.5 0.0 29.7 3.3 16.5 1.7
1999 7.1 0.0 2.2 0.0 8.4 0.0 3.7 0.0 21.6 0.0 9.1 0.0
1998 5.7 0.0 1.7 0.0 5.9 0.0 3.0 0.0 16.3 0.0 7.2 0.0
1997 11.7 0.0 2.5 0.0 12.2 0.0 5.5 0.0 34.3 0.0 18.4 0.0
1996 9.7 2.3 4.2 0.0 11.0 2.3 3.7 0.0 31.5 7.0 15.5 4.7
1995 9.5 0.0 3.3 0.0 10.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 25.8 0.0 14.5 0.0
1994 10.5 2.9 3.5 0.0 11.0 2.9 4.8 0.0 28.8 5.8 14.5 5.8
1993 11.7 0.0 3.5 0.0 11.9 0.0 5.5 0.0 30.4 0.0 16.2 0.0
1992 12.9 0.0 6.2 0.0 13.4 0.0 5.2 0.0 35.7 0.0 19.1 0.0
1991 11.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 11.5 0.0 3.2 0.0 30.6 0.0 16.7 0.0
1990 12.6 5.7 4.5 5.7 12.8 5.7 0.0 0.0 30.6 17.2 17.1 11.4
1989 15.3 5.9 6.4 0.0 16.4 11.9 0.0 0.0 44.4 35.7 23.9 11.9
1988 19.7 0.0 8.3 0.0 21.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.3 0.0 28.2 0.0
1987 18.8 0.0 8.8 0.0 19.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.5 0.0 26.4 0.0
1986 15.7 0.0 7.2 0.0 17.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.5 0.0 24.1 0.0
1985 13.3 0.0 4.7 0.0 16.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.7 0.0 28.2 0.0
1984 16.9 0.0 7.7 0.0 17.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.0 0.0 23.6 0.0
1983 15.1 0.0 6.9 0.0 15.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.8 0.0 19.7 0.0
1982 13.2 0.0 5.8 0.0 13.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.6 0.0 18.3 0.0
1981 16.5 0.0 10.5 0.0 17.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.4 0.0 23.2 0.0
1980 20.3 9.1 9.8 0.0 21.4 9.1 0.0 0.0 52.2 27.4 25.0 18.3
1979 20.8 0.0 9.5 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 29.9 0.0
1978 19.9 0.0 8.5 0.0 20.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.5 0.0 30.5 0.0
1977 17.4 0.0 10.4 0.0 18.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.3 0.0 24.1 0.0
1976 14.5 0.0 4.8 0.0 14.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.6 0.0 18.3 0.0
1975 14.6 0.0 4.9 0.0 14.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.8 0.0 18.4 0.0

Fatal vehicle accidents
Type Total countDrunkFatal countPedestrian countPerson countVehicle count
Year SacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk GroveSacramentoElk Grove
1975 39 0 13 0 39 0 0 0 82 0 49 0
1976 39 0 13 0 39 0 0 0 82 0 49 0
1977 47 0 28 0 50 0 0 0 117 0 65 0
1978 54 0 23 0 55 0 0 0 140 0 83 0
1979 57 0 26 0 63 0 0 0 137 0 82 0
1980 56 1 27 0 59 1 0 0 144 3 69 2
1981 47 0 30 0 51 0 0 0 118 0 66 0
1982 39 0 17 0 41 0 0 0 96 0 54 0
1983 46 0 21 0 46 0 0 0 124 0 60 0
1984 53 0 24 0 56 0 0 0 116 0 74 0
1985 43 0 15 0 52 0 0 0 186 0 91 0
1986 52 0 24 0 57 0 0 0 131 0 80 0
1987 64 0 30 0 67 0 0 0 162 0 90 0
1988 69 0 29 0 75 0 0 0 180 0 99 0
1989 55 1 23 0 59 2 0 0 160 6 86 2
1990 50 1 18 1 51 1 0 0 122 3 68 2
1991 44 0 18 0 46 0 13 0 123 0 67 0
1992 52 0 25 0 54 0 21 0 144 0 77 0
1993 47 0 14 0 48 0 22 0 122 0 65 0
1994 42 1 14 0 44 1 19 0 115 2 58 2
1995 38 0 13 0 40 0 14 0 103 0 58 0
1996 39 1 17 0 44 1 15 0 126 3 62 2
1997 47 0 10 0 49 0 22 0 138 0 74 0
1998 23 0 7 0 24 0 12 0 66 0 29 0
1999 29 0 9 0 34 0 15 0 88 0 37 0
2000 38 1 17 1 40 1 10 0 121 2 67 1
2001 40 6 12 1 42 10 16 1 137 20 72 10
2002 52 2 22 1 53 2 22 0 130 4 72 3
2003 51 4 19 3 58 4 21 1 146 13 76 7
2004 47 6 27 1 49 6 17 1 138 17 65 8
2005 51 7 19 2 51 7 20 1 134 19 74 9
2006 32 8 17 1 33 8 12 1 87 32 47 14
2007 46 8 20 0 54 9 13 3 120 20 72 9
2008 30 5 13 1 32 5 11 2 81 17 41 8
2009 28 8 10 3 32 8 10 0 86 15 50 11
2010 50 10 19 3 53 11 26 3 109 19 69 13
2011 41 14 9 4 41 14 17 3 112 38 68 19
2012 26 7 3 4 28 8 9 2 60 14 41 11
2013 45 7 15 1 47 9 18 4 94 16 64 9
2014 43 6 9 1 45 6 18 2 97 13 64 9
2015 51 5 22 2 55 5 18 0 121 11 81 7
2016 52 8 14 2 54 9 25 0 117 35 88 24
2017 66 7 18 1 76 7 28 4 123 23 96 15
2018 55 10 15 4 55 12 34 4 93 22 79 18
2019 49 8 9 1 56 9 23 3 100 15 70 12
2020 50 6 12 2 51 6 28 3 96 18 81 7
2021 70 6 0 0 74 7 32 3 146 12 115 8
Police full-time law enforcement employees
Year SacramentoElk Grove
2021 997 230
2020 1,012 242
2019 993 238
2018 948 226
2017 925 222
2016 954 211
2015 949 205
2014 921 204
2013 880 198
2012 861 205
2011 947 202
2010 1,019 197
2009 1,027 194
2008 1,078 195
2007 1,026 187
2006 1,083 181
2005 1,013 0
2004 1,043 0
2003 1,045 0
Police full-time law enforcement employees (per 1,000 residents)
Year SacramentoElk Grove
2021 1.9 1.3
2020 2.0 1.4
2019 1.9 1.4
2018 1.9 1.3
2017 1.9 1.3
2016 1.9 1.2
2015 1.9 1.2
2014 1.9 1.3
2013 1.8 1.2
2012 1.8 1.3
2011 2.0 1.3
2010 2.2 1.3
2009 2.2 1.4
2008 2.3 1.4
2007 2.2 1.4
2006 2.4 1.6
2005 2.2 0.0
2004 2.3 0.0
2003 2.4 0.0
Local government: full-time employees
Job SacramentoElk Grove
Financial administration 272 63
Firefighters 613 0
Fire - other 39 0
Judicial and legal 49 5
Natural resources 32 0
Other and unallocable 289 2
Other government administration 184 12
Parks and recreation 356 0
Police - other 329 89
Police protection - officers 667 138
Sewerage 138 0
Solid waste management 158 3
Streets and highways 237 6
Totals for government 3,892 323
Transit 0 5
Water supply 356 0
Local government: part-time employees
Job SacramentoElk Grove
Financial administration 4 2
Judicial and legal 1 0
Other and unallocable 4 0
Other government administration 14 0
Parks and recreation 568 0
Police - other 84 0
Police protection - officers 0 13
Totals for government 685 15
Water supply 4 0
Place of birth - Foreign born
Residents SacramentoElk Grove
All residents 22.0% 25.1%
American Indian / Alaska Native residents 25.8% 11.8%
Asian residents 51.9% 56.4%
Black or African American residents 4.5% 8.5%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander residents 64.2% 56.0%
Other race residents 30.9% 24.6%
Two or more races residents 11.0% 11.8%
White residents 7.8% 6.9%
White alone, not Hispanic / Latino residents 7.3% 6.7%
Place of birth - Native, outside of US
Residents SacramentoElk Grove
All residents 1.7% 1.1%
American Indian / Alaska Native residents 0.0% 1.6%
Asian residents 2.1% 2.1%
Black or African American residents 0.8% 1.6%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander residents 1.9% 0.7%
Other race residents 1.7% 0.9%
Two or more races residents 2.7% 1.9%
White residents 1.4% 0.4%
White alone, not Hispanic / Latino residents 1.1% 1.3%
Place of birth - Born in state of residence
Residents SacramentoElk Grove
All residents 60.7% 62.2%
American Indian / Alaska Native residents 70.0% 82.7%
Asian residents 40.9% 38.4%
Black or African American residents 71.7% 68.1%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander residents 30.0% 38.2%
Other race residents 62.6% 67.9%
Two or more races residents 74.0% 77.1%
White residents 63.3% 74.2%
White alone, not Hispanic / Latino residents 63.9% 68.1%
Place of birth - Born in other state
Residents SacramentoElk Grove
All residents 15.5% 11.6%
American Indian / Alaska Native residents 4.3% 3.9%
Asian residents 5.0% 3.1%
Black or African American residents 23.0% 21.8%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander residents 4.0% 5.1%
Other race residents 4.8% 6.5%
Two or more races residents 12.3% 9.2%
White residents 27.5% 18.6%
White alone, not Hispanic / Latino residents 27.7% 23.9%
English speakers (speaking English at home)
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Born in the United States residents 89.6% 92%
Foreign born residents 10.2% 12.4%
Native, born elsewhere residents 60.6% 61.9%
Total residents 64.7% 65.5%


Sacramento, as a big city, has a developed infrastructure that accommodates a variety of transportation methods, including freeways, light rail, and an international airport. Elk Grove's infrastructure is less complex but well-maintained and improving as the city grows.
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
TV stations 23 22
Bank branches located here 127 29
Bank institutions located here 31 17
Drinking water stations with no reported violations in the past 26 4
Drinking water stations with reported violations in the past 20 4


School facilities
Type Sacramento Elk Grove
Private elementary/middle schools 26 2
Private high schools 19 2
Public elementary/middle schools 142 27
Public high schools 54 9
Colleges/Universities 22 1
HMDA - Conventional home purchase loans - Applications denied
Year SacramentoElk Grove
1999 1,003 120
2000 1,155 87
2001 983 93
2002 1,197 81
2003 2,258 521
2004 3,872 816
2005 4,610 876
2006 4,276 748
2007 2,386 345
2008 1,381 288
2009 647 152

Culture and Food

Sacramento is a melting pot of cultures with a dynamic art scene and countless food options from around the world. Elk Grove, though smaller, is known for its multicultural festivals and a variety of cuisines, especially its excellent Vietnamese and Mexican food scene.

Sports Teams

Sacramento is home to the Sacramento Kings NBA team and Sacramento Republic FC soccer team. Elk Grove, for its size, doesn't host any major league teams, but it has strong community and youth sports programs.