Health Care - Boulder, Colorado

Health Care - Health Care And Wellness Centers

Many people come to Boulder for the inherently healthful and congenial lifestyle, but even healthy, happy people have babies and sometimes get sick or hurt. This section lists referral services, then describes major medical facilities to assist you with your health care needs. We also give you an Insiders’ look at how to choose from Boulder’s large selection of alternative care providers—in case you’re in Boulder County partly because you want to get even healthier.

In Boulder, however, it’s not only people who have medical alternatives, but also their furry friends. Boulder’s love affair with pets is evidenced by the many options for animal health care listed at the end of this chapter.

1. Boulder Community Hospital

City: Boulder, CO
Category: Health Care
Address: 1100 Balsam Street

2. Mapleton Center

City: Boulder, CO
Category: Health Care
Address: 311 Mapleton Avenue
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