Shopping - Neptune Beach, Florida

1. Beaches Town Center

City: Neptune Beach, FL
Category: Shopping
Address: 200 First St.

2. Lollipop Lane

City: Neptune Beach, FL
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (904) 246-0001
Address: 363 Atlantic Blvd.

Description: From clothes to toys, there are bargains galore in this tiny consignment store. The owner, Beth, is very child-friendly and doesn’t mind if your kids pull out a few toys to play with while you shop. Some items are brand-new; others are gently used. It’s definitely worth a stop.

3. Aqua East Surf Shop

City: Neptune Beach, FL
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (904) 246-2550
Address: 696 Atlantic Blvd.

Description: Aqua East is the Big Kahuna of local surf shops. At first glance, the large selection of itsy-bitsy bikinis, baggies, sandals, and T-shirts makes it look like a chain store, but walk upstairs, where the new and used surfboards are sold, and the talk is all surf. Aqua East also offers lessons on how to get up on that board.
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