Senior Info-Line (800) 211-2116 - Retirement - Tulsa, Oklahoma

City: Tulsa, OK
Category: Retirement

Description: This is another good place to turn for information. One of its most valuable programs is the Ombudsman service. Ombudsmen are volunteers who visit nursing homes, assisted living, and residential care facilities on a regular basis. They respond to and attempt to resolve complaints of residents and advocate for the rights of individuals in these facilities. They are given extensive training and are under the supervision of a Tulsa Area Agency on Aging (TAAA) professional. While the agency will not make specific recommendations on the facility you should choose, they can help you choose more wisely by informing you of any history of problems at a particular place.TAAA also oversees a senior nutrition program, providing healthy, nutritious food at nutrition sites (often in a senior center) across the area. Like Life Services, they provide information, assistance, and case management.