North Dakota


North Dakota ranked 48th in population in the US with an estimated total of 634,110 in 2002, a decrease of 1.3% from 2000. Between 1990 and 2000, North Dakota's population grew from 638,800 to 642,200, an increase of 0.5%. The population is projected to reach 677,000 by 2005 and 729,000 by 2025. The population density in 2000 was 9.3 persons per sq mi, the 4th-lowest in the nation.

In 2000, the median age in North Dakota was 36.2; 25% of the populace were under age 18 while 14.7% were age 65 or older.

North Dakota is one of the most rural states in the US, with over half of its population living outside metropolitan areas. Leading cities are Fargo, with a 2000 population of 90,599; Bismarck, the capital, 55,532; and Grand Forks, 49,321.