Tours & Attractions - Savannah, Georgia

91. Pinnacle Gallery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 525-5063
Address: 320 East Liberty Street

Description: This beautiful gallery space is used primarily for exhibits.

92. Orleans Hall Gallery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 525-5063
Address: 201 Barnard Street

Description: You’ll find student work for sale at this gallery, which doubles as a reception facility. 

93. Alexander Hall Gallery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 668 Indian St.

Description: The Telfair Museum of Art is actually three separate and distinct facilities operated by the same organization. The Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences is a traditional art museum housed in an impressive historic mansion. The Jepson Center for the Arts, which merits a separate entry, focuses on modern art and has its own flashy modern building catty-cornered to the original Telfair. We’re covering both art museums here, under the heading of their parent organization. Note that you can get better admission rates with a combination ticket for all three sites at $15 (family rate $30).

94. Jepson Center For The Arts

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 207 West York St.

95. The Telfair Academy Of Arts And Sciences

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 121 Barnard St.

96. A. T. Hun

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 233-2060
Address: 302 West St. Julian St. (City Market)

Description: Chuck Hamilton and Grant Nelson are partners in this gallery, which also shows other artists. It’s all contemporary and includes many larger pieces. The nudes that sparked the birth of the gallery aren’t shocking, just a good reflection of how conservative Savannah can be. Potters, jewelers, and photographers are represented as well, and there is an affiliation with an English gallery so there is a regular exchange of international work.Don’t look here for soft watercolors or memento landscapes of Savannah. It’s young, funky, and even sells T-shirts sporting a Latin phrase that translates (roughly) as “We don’t do snobby.” Don’t be misled, however; there’s good stuff here.

97. Chroma Gallery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 232-2787
Address: 31 Barnard St.

Description: This gallery, strategically located on a corner near City Market, represents many artists, but the works share some characteristics—large, bold, colorful canvases. Although there is some regional work here, locals are well represented. We’re particularly fond of the electric-bright renderings of marsh scenes. The gallery also displays art glass.

98. Gallery 209

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 236-4583
Address: 209 East River St.

Description: This River Street gallery is the place to start your search for local artwork. Stuff here varies in quality, from some wannabe artists to the real thing. We especially like the enamel jewelry, such as a jewel-tone seahorse. In addition to paintings that run the gamut from very good to not very, you’ll find fiber art and interesting and affordable ceramics. This stuff will appeal more to consumers than art museums, but what’s wrong with that?

99. Live Oak Public Library

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 2002 Bull St.

100. Richmond Hill Historical Society And Museum

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions

101. The Recreational Area

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions

102. Sunbury Cemetery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions

103. The Midway Museum

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions

104. Midway Congregational Church

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions

Description: Built in 1792, this stately church reflects a style reminiscent of colonial New England (some of the founders of Midway were descendants of Puritans from Massachusetts who had settled in South Carolina). The existing building replaced a church that was burned by the British in 1778. The church is a short walk from the Midway Museum, and you can obtain a key from a museum staff member and take a look inside. The church has no heating system or artificial lights, but services are conducted there each April by the Midway Society. For inquiries and service times, email

105. Midway Cemetery

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
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