Child Care - Rockville, Maryland

1. Montgomery County Infants And Toddlers Program

City: Rockville, MD
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (240) 777-3997
Address: 401 Fleet Street

Description: Parents with developmentally delayed young children can find services through this collaborative program of the Department of Health and Human Services and public schools. Special education and speech and language therapy are among the types of services available to county residents. Your tax dollars at work!

2. Parenting Resource Center

City: Rockville, MD
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (301) 279-8497
Address: 332 West Edmonston Drive

Description: The Parenting Resource Center is sponsored by the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County. It provides resources to parents and caregivers and it offers parenting and other types of enrichment classes at three different locations.

3. Wintergreen Child Development Center

City: Rockville, MD
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (301) 424-7522
Address: 332 West Edmonston Drive

Description: Part of the Rockville Day Care Association, this nonprofit center offers a year-round program to more than 100 children.
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