Life Senior Services - Retirement - Tulsa, Oklahoma

City: Tulsa, OK
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (918) 664-9900 (Senior Line)
Address: 5950 E. 31st St.

Description: The number above is your lifeline to all sorts of information. It will help you access hundreds of services through information and referrals to local, state, and national programs and services that help seniors and their families solve problemsAmong the things they do themselves, you’ll find adult day-care services, two senior centers, caregiver support and community education, senior centers, and publications like their Vintage Newsmagazine and Vintage Guide to Housing and Services that will supply you with listings of agencies and facilities too numerous to mention. But the best thing they do is help you sort through all the information. There’s so much out there, it can be overwhelming. Through their case-management service, they will help you match your needs with resources. Whether it’s finding services to help you stay independent in your home or finding a facility to meet special needs, this is the place to turn when you don’t know where to turn. They can even help walk you through the mysteries of Medicare and the prescription drug program! Save yourself a lot of time and frustration and make this your first call.And, in case you were wondering, this marvelous agency is funded by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Human Service, the Advantage Program, the State Department of Education, the Tulsa Area United Way, and charitable contributions.
