Retirement - Custer, South Dakota

1. Custer Senior Citizens Center

City: Custer, SD
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (605) 673-2708
Address: 538 Mount Rushmore Rd.

Description: You don’t need to be a senior citizen to enjoy the benefits of membership at this center. Associate members of any age pay $10 a year to belong; those 60 and older pay $20 and get voting privileges. Line dancing, exercise classes, bingo, greeting card recycling, ceramics, movies, a Stitches ’n’ Sew group, pool, and card games are some of the activities found here. The center has a support group for widowed people, as well as programs for greeting new area residents and visiting or staying in touch by phone with those who are alone or isolated. The local ministerial association’s food pantry is located in the center, and the Coalition on Aging holds its meetings here. Enjoy the monthly potluck for a buck.
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