Shopping - Middleton, Wisconsin

1. Carr Valley Cheese Store

City: Middleton, WI
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (608) 824-2277
Address: 2831 Parmenter St.

Description: This is one of the company stores of the award-winning regional cheese maker. Carr Valley has been producing high-quality cheese for over 100 years. Master cheesemaker Sid Cook has won many awards for his own creations and several of his traditional cheeses as well. Samples, of course, are on hand as is the wide variety of cheeses that Carr Valley produces. Cheeses are made from cow, sheep, and goat milk and blends among the three. Along with aged and smoked cheddars, gouda, feta, Gloucester, and Colby, Carr Valley’s artisanal line also includes many styles only a true connoisseur may have heard of. Closed Sun.
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