Uno Mavericks Hockey - Parks & Recreation - Omaha, Nebraska

City: Omaha, NE
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (402) 341-1500
Address: 455 N. 10th St.

Description: Hockey, of all things, has helped the University of Nebraska at Omaha remove itself from the long shadow of its sister school, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The Mavericks, in fact, regularly pack the giant Qwest Center Omaha arena when they face off with bigger and more tradition-fueled hockey schools from Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Now, hockey isn’t exactly native to Nebraska—it’s cold here, but not cold enough to skate on a pond all winter long. But it’s caught on like wildfire during what can be long and dreary Nebraska winters. What better way to break up an Omaha January weekend than by catching a UNO hockey match? Tickets are easy to come by, the atmosphere is electric, and they sell beer at the Qwest Center Omaha, located on 10th Street, just north of Dodge Street. Just don’t call the school on the ice “the University of Nebraska.” They will put you in the penalty box.