Le Voltaire - Restaurants - Omaha, Nebraska

City: Omaha, NE
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (402) 934-9374
Address: 569 N. 155th Plaza

Description: An accessible French bistro in West Omaha, Le Voltaire has a reputation for being one of the most romantic spots in the city. In an unlikely location—a West Omaha strip mall—diners quickly forget where they are once they get inside. A large wine cellar and secluded tables make sure diners get their own personal experience; the bar has a singular floral design. The restaurant’s private room, with a cellar view, is a popular destination for parties and wedding rehearsal dinners. The waitstaff is friendly and accessible, and, above all, they welcome diners to ask questions about the wine list and the menu: There’s no judgment for not knowing what Terrine de Manioc means. The restaurant has a special that lets diners choose an appetizer and an entree or an entree and a dessert for $27; choose all three for four more dollars. Menu items include lamb, filet mignon, duck, and fish, along with a wide selection of appetizers and desserts. The vast wine list, focused on France, won’t disappoint.
