Home buyers: numbers and facts

Pavel Prikhodko, Ph.D. Machine Learning

If we examine the statistics representing first-time homebuyers in the United States in 2015, we see that a majority of buyers in the 35-and-under age group were first-time buyers, at 67 percent. About 26 percent, of 36 to 50-year-olds were first-time buyers in 2015. The share of first-time buyers in the 51 to 60-year-old age group amounted to 11 percent, while people aged 61 to 69 who were first-time buyers only made up 6 percent.


Information published at Statista.com represents the numbers of different types of homes purchased in the U.S. last year. According to this information, the most popular type of home purchased continues to be the detached single-family home, which made up over 80 percent of all homes purchased. Almost 89 percent of people aged 36-50 preferred to purchase this type of home. Townhouses/rowhouses were the second choice for Americans. Thus, about 7 percent of people 35 and younger purchased a townhouse. The shares of townhouses purchased by those who were in the age groups of 36-50 and 51-60 were 5 percent and 9 percent accordingly.

Apartments/condos in a building with five or more units were the purchasing choice of 4 percent of people in the 70-90 age group. Only 1 percent of younger people (35 and younger) chose this type of home. The percentages of people in the 36-50 and 51-60 age groups who purchased apartments/condos were 1 percent and 2 percent respectively.


The most common method of purchasing a home in the country is through a real estate agent or broker. This can be proven by almost 90 percent of people aged 35 and younger. Only 5 percent of the people in the same age group have purchased a home directly from builders or a builder’s agent.

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About Pavel Prikhodko

Pavel Prikhodko, Ph.D. Machine Learning

Pavel has worked for many years as a researcher and developer on a wide range of applications (varying from mechanics and manufacturing to social data, finance and advertising), building predictive systems and trying to find stories that data can tell.

In his free time, he enjoys being with his family.

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