Tours & Attractions - Charleston, South Carolina

31. St. John’s Lutheran Church (1817)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 10 Archdale St.

Description: This is Charleston’s mother church of Lutheranism, with a history spanning more than 250 years. The congregation was organized in 1742 and worshiped in various places until the present structure was completed in 1817. Frederick Wesner was the architect. The steeple is said to have been designed earlier by famous Charleston miniaturist Charles Fraser and was constructed in 1859. The original bell was given to the Confederate cause (bells were often melted down for use in ammo, cannons, ships, firearms, and the like) and was not replaced until 1992.

32. St. Mary’s Catholic Church (1838–1839)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 89 Hasell St.

33. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church (1872)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 405 King St.

Description: The huge influx of German immigrants to Charleston during the first half of the 19th century caused the city’s second-oldest congregation of Lutherans to greatly expand their house of worship. The magnificently Gothic church, with its tall, German-made stained-glass windows, was finished in 1872 with a 297-foot spire that stands taller than any other in the state. It was designed by John H. Devereaux. In a spectacular 1965 church fire, the spire collapsed into the street below—the very point, in fact, piercing the sidewalk just to the left of the church’s front door. That steeple point is still there (encased in concrete) and commemorated by a plaque honoring the congregation’s courage and determination to restore the architectural treasure.

34. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (1752–1761)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 80 Meeting St.

35. St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (1835–1838)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 146 Church St.

36. Unitarian Church in Charleston (1780, 1854)

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 8 Archdale St.

37. American Military Museum

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (843) 577-7000
Address: 360 Concord St.

Description: Located at Fountain Walk (near the S.C. Aquarium) is the American Military Museum, which will be of interest to dedicated reenactment buffs. Here you’ll find hundreds of uniforms, patches, and insignia plus legions of military miniatures and toy soldiers. The 7,000 square-foot museum’s collection includes items from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Desert Storm, the Vietnam and Korean wars, World Wars I and II, the Spanish-American War, Indian wars, the Civil War, and the American Revolution. Admission is charged but is free to military personnel in uniform and children under 6. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon through Sat. Sun hours are from 1 to 5 p.m.

38. The Battery

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions

39. The Bells of St. Michael’s

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions

40. Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 25 Ann St.

41. The Charleston Museum

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 360 Meeting St.

42. Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 122 East Bay St.

43. Gibbes Museum of Art

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 135 Meeting St.

44. CSS

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions

45. Magnolia Cemetery

City: Charleston, SC
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 70 Cunnington Ave.
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