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  1. a: Democrats, Obama, economic, family - Elections
  2. Tis the Season of Election Dirty Tricks: Scaring Student Voters: campaign, - Elections
  3. Simplify your choice: campaign, Reagan, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  4. Where is the Democrat on the ballot?: Ron Paul, vote, illegal - Elections
  5. Why the GOP won't win in November: vote, polls, Obama - Elections
  6. Stubborn minds will never find an UNBIASED news station: vote, Iraq, Bush - Elections
  7. McCain; wants it BOTH WAYS: Obama, American, politician - Elections
  8. Wall Street Journal: Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools: vote, campaign - Elections
  9. Hillary Clinton has raised $8 Million for Obama since July!: campaign, party, election - Elections
  10. A 3rd term of Bush vs. Sarah Palin: president, Obama, American - Elections
  11. Skit Of Palin Doing Tina Fey In The Works?: interviews, president, ratings - Elections
  12. Video: P.Diddy Scared of Palin: vote, racism, Obama, African - Elections
  13. Barack Obama has risen to his highest-ever level - Is Gov Palin Pushing Obama's Rise in Polls?!!: vote, interviews - Elections
  14. Democrats, Liberals, would you agree?: Dick Cheney, vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  15. Can someone explain to me McCain's Climate Change policy: global warming, 9/11, American - Elections
  16. former McCain Advisor says things look grim for McCain. Obama likely to win: votes, election - Elections
  17. Mail-In Ballots go to 5 Million Californians Today: votes, patriots, democratic - Elections
  18. Who You Callin' a Maverick ?: McCain, money - Elections
  19. Change: marines, president, Brown, Obama - Elections
  20. The fundamentals of the economy are strong: employment, health care, gas prices - Elections
  21. Obama's SubPrime Lending Connection: McCain, supporters - Elections
  22. Chicken or the Egg: Middle Class & Economic Growth: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  23. Palin in real life - Elections
  24. Obama widens national lead - Elections
  25. McCain Lies About: John Kerry, campaign, accuse - Elections
  26. Subprime Mortgage crisis and bailout, dems fault ?: Obama, income - Elections
  27. The Silent Voters: Democrats, Republicans, Obama, McCain - Elections
  28. The Obama-Biden mantra: government can TAKE MONEY, FORCE SERVICE.: Congress, patriot, regime - Elections
  29. why do we misdirect out outrage?: Cheney, enemy, patriot, - Elections
  30. New Yorker Magazine's brilliant Obama endorsement: Republican, liberal, president, McCain - Elections
  31. Something for Obama supporters, who fight the smears and past few weeks.: American - Elections
  32. Get your Rev Wright - Barack Obama videos now!: McCain, rating, money - Elections
  33. Obama widens lead in national poll: voters, campaign, president, McCain - Elections
  34. Commentary: Oops, I Overestimated the Competence of the McCain Campaign Again: Attorney, accuse - Elections
  35. VIDEOS: Barack Obama & Friends: A History of Radicalism: polls, terrorists - Elections
  36. Jealous GOP to file fundraising complaint against Obama: website - Elections
  37. Palin’s Divestment From Sudan Claim Disputed: state - Elections
  38. debate online?: CNN, broadcast, official - Elections
  39. Saturday Night Live to feature a Thursday Show!!: Obama, political, election - Elections
  40. 2004 pollsters evaluated and how valuable they might be this year.: campaign, polls - Elections
  41. Jingoism in America: voters, patriot, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  42. John McCain sat on the board of the U.S. Council for World Freedom: controversial, extremist - Elections
  43. John, John, John ... what are you doing?: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  44. sarah palin animal killer: Republicans, McCain, Americans - Elections
  45. This is what will continue if you vote McCain - Elections
  46. Palin has her own anti-American terrorist problem: Iraq, thoughts, Obama - Elections
  47. The latest on Troopergate: interviews, ethics, Republican, CNN - Elections
  48. Palin and Pastor Moothy: vice president, Obama, African, terrorist - Elections
  49. Enough is Enough: Cheney, campaign, ethic, democratic - Elections
  50. Mc Cain ties to gambling: voting, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  51. How do we teach our kids?: voting, campaign, school - Elections
  52. Palin Helps Tina Fey Land $5M Book Deal: candidacy, million, political - Elections
  53. Is Palin the new Giuliani?: 9/11, votes, salary - Elections
  54. Obama called a terrorist in front of erratic McCain. What happened to the honorable campaign?: polls - Elections
  55. Growing List Of Obama's Terrorist Associates!: John Kerry, middle east, security, democratic - Elections
  56. CNN Research Poll (with Bar + Nader) Obama + 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: American, party, race - Elections
  57. U.S. Author Critical Of Obama Arrested in Kenya: security, democratic, president - Elections
  58. Report from Michigan: Obama now running 2 minute ads: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  59. Political ads ain't what they used to be: states - Elections
  60. McCain's brother says Northern Virginia is Communist Country: campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  61. Obama's 'liberal record' in line with most Americans' views: liberals, represent - Elections
  62. -- Latest State Polls --: vote, McCain, elect, date - Elections
  63. Threat of sabotage to an SNL video: liberal, biased, conspiracy - Elections
  64. The Bell Curve: interview, president, Obama, Murray - Elections
  65. Palin may owe up to 25,000K in back taxes.: voters, patriot, - Elections
  66. Holy Toledo: Have you seen todays Real Clear Politics Polling Summary?: campaign, polls - Elections
  67. Former Hillary Clinton campaign manager; The race is over, John McCain is finished.: John Kerry, Iraq - Elections
  68. Nothing would be more precarious to Americans than losing their healthcare Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius: Obama, McCain - Elections
  69. Biden; Another Tall Tale: voting, Congress, Republican, president - Elections
  70. Palin quoted James Pegler we grow good people in small towns who said our duty to proclaim and practice bigotry: Israel, campaign - Elections
  71. Obama's Life: thoughts, Reagan, president, racism - Elections
  72. Rezko Sentencing Delayed: conspiracy, Obama, Reed, political - Elections
  73. Palin; Take that, Bot!: voters, Iraq, campaign, Obama - Elections
  74. Top 10 Dumbest Sarah Palin Quotes: vote, interview, campaign, Republican - Elections
  75. afford 4 more years.. Vote McCain!!: Republicans, president, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  76. Who is tired of hearing Sarah Palin mention William Ayers?: campaign, Republican - Elections
  77. what will Obama do for the economy?: health care, vote, wages - Elections
  78. FOX NEWS: Obama Up Significantly in FL, CO and MO: voters, campaign - Elections
  79. McCain's Healthcare, cuts back 20% on Medicare and Medicaid: unemployment, health care, Putin - Elections
  80. Mac; Pounds Obama on Fanny&Freddy: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  81. Hey Sara, is your husband guilty?: interview, Obama, John Edwards, independence - Elections
  82. McCain Didn't Vote Against Women's Pay: votes, Congress, wages, campaign - Elections
  83. Video: Olbermann Rips Palin And Her Smears: Reed, speech, Bush - Elections
  84. Will racial relations get better if ? is elected or worse?: voting, generation - Elections
  85. McCain/Palin Base: Horrifying: health care, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  86. McCain voted to use aborted fetuses for scientific research: votes, conservative, president - Elections
  87. Remember When They Used To Call It Voodoo Economics ?: vote, generation - Elections
  88. What Questions would you like to hear in Tonight's Debate?: health care, campaign - Elections
  89. Demagoguery and Hate Campaign threatens tonights debate.: voters, interviews, security - Elections
  90. CNN Investigation of Obama&Ayers; Ouch!: ethical, activist, radical - Elections
  91. McCain Campaign: A Desperate Empty Embarrassment: Putin, voting, president - Elections
  92. McCain linked to private group in Iran-Contra case: interview, patriot, campaign - Elections
  93. Will Senator McCain look at Senator Obama in Tonight's Debate?: vote, campaign - Elections
  94. Are the Candidates more likely to have a Civil Debate or an Attack Debate?: suspect, Obama - Elections
  95. reporter detained in kenya after investigating Obama: legal, president, radical - Elections
  96. There have got to be Republicans out there...: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  97. McCain Linked to Aiding Guerillas in Iran-Contra: interview, campaign, illegal - Elections
  98. Palin sanctions the killing of wolf pups.: illegal, Obama, abortion - Elections
  99. The National polls; What's up?: party affiliation, voters, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  100. Why McCain's attacks WON'T WORK...: health care, voters, wage, Republicans - Elections
  101. GOP Election Fraud: voters, interview, security, campaign - Elections
  102. Is this an election or a witchhunt?: Limbaugh, party affiliation, vote - Elections
  103. University of Hawaii Photographs Collection Obama from: Barack Obama, McCain, African - Elections
  104. Petition to force Obama to produce documents: voters, Congress, president - Elections
  105. So Obama does know radical Father Michael Pfleger afterall: liberals, McCain, dollars - Elections
  106. MCCAIN/PALIN attacks backfiring. Obama has strongest individual polling day of the year!: voters, campaign - Elections
  107. Obama has a history of voting present or calling in sick: votes, campaign - Elections
  108. The new and improved obama !!!: house of voters, Congress, interviews - Elections
  109. Sarah kicks a lib to the wall SLAM DUNK !!: Obama, speech, school - Elections
  110. Obama stepped in PooP again.: McCain, compare, supporters, senator - Elections
  111. Obama=recession, McCain=depression: campaign, Democrats, conservative, president - Elections
  112. NYT Calls Out McCain on Lies: Limbaugh, health care, campaign, - Elections
  113. Think Before You Vote, But Make Sure You Vote Regardless of What The Polls Have Been Saying: voters, campaign - Elections
  114. The Video that could cost Obama the election: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  115. Devastating Video, Obama talks about job Ayers gave him: ethics, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  116. New CBS poll has Obama up by 3: voters, Democrats - Elections
  117. Team Obama slams McCain on Health Care: health care system, vote, illegal - Elections
  118. Who would our Founding Fathers vote for in this election?: Ron Paul, democrat - Elections
  119. To all my friends....liberal or conservative...: unemployment, Cheney, gas prices - Elections
  120. Debate format tomorrow night: thoughts, McCain, economy, election - Elections
  121. McCain Strategist: If We Keep Talking About The Economic Crisis, Going To Lose: vote, Republican - Elections
  122. McCain the REFORMER on the pork-filled bailout: Well, that’s just the way the system is working in Washington: Putin, vote - Elections
  123. Obama is the Patriot's Choice: voting, middle east, patriots, president - Elections
  124. Children aware of voter prejudice in U.S.: democratic, poll, bias - Elections
  125. Barack Obama is winning Georgia right now. Early voting is underway.: voters, Pelosi - Elections
  126. What are the odds of Senator Obama carrying the entire Eastern Seaboard?: voters, highway - Elections
  127. Good quote, John!: Huckabee, vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  128. Rolling Stone on McCain: voting, enemy, bias, president - Elections
  129. Obama to rescue dog from shelter: voters, campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  130. if Obama is innocent of dealings with terrorists: Attorney, president - Elections
  131. Is this Obama indoctrination youth camp different than Hitler's youth programs ?: Cheney, vote - Elections
  132. Do you vote along the party lines?: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  133. ABC The View discuss Palin 's Smear campaign against Obama [VIDEO]: racist - Elections
  134. Gallup's In: Obama 50/McCain 42: vote, campaign, Pelosi, Americans - Elections
  135. Obama and the Echos of Lincoln: Iraq, Mexican, campaign, conservative - Elections
  136. Obama Associates Cover Up Fannie Mae: voting, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  137. McCain, Economic Advisor and Best Friend is a Porn Producer: vote, campaign - Elections
  138. Summary of the last 2 weeks of the McCain Campaign: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  139. Sad that we have to start the smearing: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  140. Soooo serious in Post all your political jokes! Preferably aimed towards Obama: Putin, activist - Elections
  141. stock market falls again...its no time for campaign smears: voting, Congress - Elections
  142. No trolls or lies: Ron Paul, party affiliation, voters - Elections
  143. Obama brainwashed youth: Fast food, generation, regime - Elections
  144. Should McCain just go down like a champ?: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  145. Obama: Promote the general welfare - is this a socialist idea?: generations, American - Elections
  146. McCain campaign grasping for straws: Palin brings up Rev Wright: voters, Republican - Elections
  147. Obama leads McCain in Virginia by 10 points!: democrat, polls, president - Elections
  148. McCain/Palin campaign is pathetic and desperate: vote, Iraq, ethical - Elections
  149. McCain Plans Federal Health Cuts: polls, Obama, government, programs - Elections
  150. DOW Drops Below 10,000 And All They Can Talk About Is Ayers!: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  151. Palin's Racist Comments: president, Kennedy, McCain - Elections
  152. William Ayers Responds: radical, Obama, education, McCain - Elections
  153. A vote for McCain IS a vote for BUSH: votes, campaign, president - Elections
  154. The racist comments have gone too far: Condi Rice, Al Gore, health care - Elections
  155. Your basis for voting for President?: votes, campaign, poll - Elections
  156. What age group & who will you vote for ?: Obama, McCain, parties - Elections
  157. Don't Know: vote, Republican, cocaine, drugs - Elections
  158. Bush now at lowest ever - 24% Approval rating!: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  159. Is Ohio's Election Being Stolen?: voters, campaign, Democrats, polls - Elections
  160. Why didn't McCain use his 26 years in DC to prosecute Ayres?: house of Congress - Elections
  161. Ayers and ACORN: vote, campaign, bias, accuse - Elections
  162. for Repubs: voters, Democrats, polls, president - Elections
  163. Palin; Terrorist gave Obama his start: campaign, radical, Barack Obama, education - Elections
  164. **** It's the economy stupid ****: health care, 9/11, vote, security - Elections
  165. Time Out Everyone! Reality Check before You Vote! Let's get Real For Just One Moment!: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  166. CNN: Donald Trump says he's voting for McCain.: president, Obama, billion - Elections
  167. How Far will the DOW have to drop before Senator McCain and Governor Palin talk about the ECONOMY!! 1 day, 2 days, 5 ?: campaign, liberal - Elections
  168. McCain's campaign has decended into ugliness..: Obama, party - Elections
  169. Whatever happened to Larry Sinclair?: voters, cocaine, accuse, Obama - Elections
  170. Is the new McCain/Palins smear tactics on Obama changing ANYBODYS mind?: voters, campaign - Elections
  171. When Folks Say I just don't trust Obama..: voters, interview - Elections
  172. Palin talks about no gay marriage: vote, interview, campaign, president - Elections
  173. Missouri: McCain vs. Obama: soldiers, president, election - Elections
  174. Obama Funnels Government Money To Campaign Supporter: vote, Republican, president - Elections
  175. McCain: Obama does not share views with Wright: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  176. Character Assassination: 9/11, vote, thoughts, Republican - Elections
  177. Repubs go negative, they have no positive solutions, reason economy is tanking...: vote, campaign - Elections
  178. Did McCain force Native Americans from their Ancestral Homes?: president, election, elect - Elections
  179. Senate confirms McCain Poor Judgment problem started years ago!: voters, president, support - Elections
  180. The Electoral Map showing Obama/Biden at 264...: McCain - Elections
  181. On The Lighter Side - Elections
  182. Obama gains in States that went for Bush: McCain, news - Elections
  183. Change, really?: democratic, Liberalism, Obama - Elections
  184. Why Right Wing attacks WON'T WORK: health care, wage, CNN, president - Elections
  185. McSame: McCain, Bush - Elections
  186. You don't need a weatherman: president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  187. Sarah Palin tells SF audience that Afghanistan is our 'neighboring' country. - Elections
  188. Virginia Repub Congressman leaving DC, stated: Republican - Elections
  189. Fair Tax: spokesman, Americans, lobbyist, lobby - Elections
  190. John McCain, a man of his word?: voters, campaign, Obama - Elections
  191. John McCain: Who is funding Obama's campaign: vote, Palestinian, democrat - Elections
  192. McCain fudges his Navy record: Washington - Elections
  193. Bush's casino economy comes home to roost - Elections
  194. Stockton paper endorses first Dem in 72 years: democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  195. Wisconsin Speaks Out for Obama: Barack Obama - Elections
  196. Shhhhhhhhh- behind the scenes: McCain - Elections
  197. Electoral Map: Obama 264 McCain 174: campaign, election - Elections
  198. The best of Sarah Palin - 23/6: governor - Elections
  199. Brainwashing of Children for Bush: abuse - Elections
  200. Yeah, I feel better now....: political - Elections